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Behaviour Matters to Dan Ariely and Kelly Peters

Dan Ariely's life, as a teenager, changed in a flash.

Dan was living in Israel when he was caught in an explosion. When he regained consciousness, he found himself in a burn ward, his home for the next three years. Dan described his life there as a 'side actor'. His friends moved on with their lives, while his life and every decision involving his treatment were no longer his to control.

As he dealt with his horrific pain Dan came to the conclusion that so many of the decisions on how patients were treated, were wrong. These insights and observations set Dan on a path of education and discovery.

Today, Dan Ariely is one of the world's leading thinkers on how we think, feel and behave. Fifteen million people have watched Dan's TED Talks. A multiple-best-selling NY Times Author, a Professor at Duke University, and a co-founder with another extraordinary mind, Kelly Peters of BEworks, a Canadian consultancy with a global reputation.

In today's episode, Dan and Kelly chat about why we make bad and irrational decisions, why others' bad behaviour might encourage you. We also look at how has COVID has stripped us of our freedom and control. Dan and Kelly will provide you with coping mechanisms and strategies to reclaim your sense of control and make better financial, career, and life decisions while offering compelling advice for business and political leaders.


Get Connected & Chatting

To connect with Dan Ariely find him on Twitter I LinkedIn I Instagram I Youtube

To connect with Kelly Peters find her on Twitter I LinkedIn I Facebook

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that matters

Chatter That Matters is more than a podcast theme, it’s Tony Chapman's mantra. Tony is a sought after curator, host, speaker, moderator and interviewer. Tony has inspired audiences in China, Brazil, Spain, Poland, Scotland, Mexico and across North America.

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