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Health Matters to Shaun Francis

How do you feel? I find myself thinking more about my state of mind and body, my immune system, and my mortality.

I guess it's part of growing older but it's been fuelled by this barrage of pandemic news, and after being captive, I realize there is so much more I need and want to do.

Shaun Francis joins me on Chatter that Matters to chat about his book Eat, Move, Think, the path to a Healthier, Stronger, Happier You. His vantage point is the CEO of Medcan, a world-renowned medical facility. I also ask Shaun about the current and future state of our healthcare. Can we stay in step with an ageing population?

Shaun is also the Founder of True Patriot Love a foundation that supports those who serve or have served in the military, and their families. Shaun has co-led expeditions with injured soldiers and civilians to the far corners of the globe, to raise awareness and funds. It's an episode packed with great advice on making your health a matter of choice versus chance.

Amy Deacon, one of my 'go-to' experts on mental wellness joins me to offer her perspectives on how to cope with the anxieties of keeping healthy when our healthy world turns upside down.


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that matters

Chatter That Matters is more than a podcast theme, it’s Tony Chapman's mantra. Tony is a sought after curator, host, speaker, moderator and interviewer. Tony has inspired audiences in China, Brazil, Spain, Poland, Scotland, Mexico and across North America.

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