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Human Nature. Off the Beaten Path for The One Less Travelled

My wife Marion and I miss travelling and one of our favourite things to do is to go off the beaten path and follow the one less travelled and to meet those on it. I have always been curious as to how others choose to live their lives, and where they find fulfillment and happiness. My travels, and Chatter that Matters have shown me that few find it acquiring materialistic things, and most when they chase and pursue purpose regardless of the obstacles that stand in their way.

This picture was taken pre-pandemic in the province of Salta, located in the northwest of Argentina. We were swept away with the giant outcroppings and the colours of rocks billions of years in the forming. We pulled over and we came across Fernando, a Peruvian who had set repurposed his sleeping blanket, and this cave as his stage to show the jewellery he fashioned from silver adorned with local elements. He was playing this wonderful wind instrument and it was haunting as the sound danced like a bird across the ledges and walls.

Fernando and I communicated with hand gestures and smiles, and enough English for me to imagine his nomadic life. I own one of his silver rings that I wear on my thumb. I sometimes touch it and wonder where Fernando is today.

Wearing and sharing stories of human nature and the nature of things is my purpose and passion. I just passed 156,000 downloads for the show, and for all of you who listen here, or on the radio, to stories of ordinary people, doing extraordinary things, I am internally grateful.


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that matters

Chatter That Matters is more than a podcast theme, it’s Tony Chapman's mantra. Tony is a sought after curator, host, speaker, moderator and interviewer. Tony has inspired audiences in China, Brazil, Spain, Poland, Scotland, Mexico and across North America.

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