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Purpose Matters to Zahra Al-Harazi

The Walt Disney Company should turn Zahra Al-Hazari's story into an animated story to inspire children and a full feature film to inspire all of us.

Zahra is one of our country's most successful entrepreneurs, but her path to finding purpose, happiness, and success is one few have travelled. A refugee, an immigrant, and a journey of resilience, reinvention and fortitude.

Zahra is treating life not as a dress rehearsal but as one worth living. A speaker, philanthropist, UN Ambassador, Top 25 Immigrants to Canada and an inspiration to women around the world. Zahra’s latest venture is Skillit, an experiential marketplace for skills that creates social learning experiences through fun, memory-making events.

Zahra chats about her journey, her book 'What it Takes' and the importance of failure, the impact of positivity and the advantages that can emerge when you embrace your differences. Her story is powerful and inspirational.

Catherine Court, Director, Marketing: Newcomer Segment at RBC, joins the show to talk about why immigration matters to our culture and economy.


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To chat with Zahra Al-Harazi find her on Twitter I Instagram I LinkedIn

To chat with me, Tony Chapman find me on Twitter I LinkedIn I Instagram I Youtube

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that matters

Chatter That Matters is more than a podcast theme, it’s Tony Chapman's mantra. Tony is a sought after curator, host, speaker, moderator and interviewer. Tony has inspired audiences in China, Brazil, Spain, Poland, Scotland, Mexico and across North America.

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