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Shelly Edwards Jorgensen - Out of the Ashes

Shelly Edwards Jorgensen on Chatter That Matters

'My Mom was home when I left.'

I have two asks. The first is that you stay with this story, as it has so many layers of the human spirit. As a story alone, it is remarkable.

My second ask as you listen, I want you to imagine you are my guest. Shelly Edwards Jorgensen.

Imagine driving up to your family home after a high school basketball practice to see your home consumed by fire.

At that moment, you know that your mom is dead and at the hands of your father.

This is a human journey no one would ask for or want. She had a horrific childhood, her mother was murdered by her father, and Shelly's testimony puts him away for seventeen years. He dies there before his sentence is complete.

Shelly finds a way to overcome her childhood trauma, the murder of her mom, and the emotional rollercoaster of testifying against her father, to find peace and a calling.

She even forgives her Father.

Would you?


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that matters

Chatter That Matters is more than a podcast theme, it’s Tony Chapman's mantra. Tony is a sought after curator, host, speaker, moderator and interviewer. Tony has inspired audiences in China, Brazil, Spain, Poland, Scotland, Mexico and across North America.

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