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Tony Chapman - My Way

We have a surprise twist in this special episode of Chatter That Matters

Tony Chapman on Chatter That Matters

Mark Ferrier steps in as guest host and interviews Tony Chapman on his journey.

Mark is a natural; the banter between the two is like listening to two close friends, and you will uncover many parallels between their lives and I am guessing yours.

Tony shares a childhood where their family had to deal with emotional uncertainty and dire financial insecurities resulting from his father's failing mental health.

Tony promised himself that he would never put his family in a similar situation and that motivation propelled him into an entrepreneurial journey that has extended over decades.

Tony opens up about his successes and failures, the lessons he learned along the way, and how an unchecked ego that cost people their jobs.

Tony also expresses his gratitude for everyone who has helped him along the way with a special shout out to RBC for investing in Chatter that Matters and sharing stories of positivity and possibility.

Tony closes the show talking about why Chatter that Matters, is his labour of love, and his passion for Canada and what must be done to reclaim our dream.

Time Code:

02:02 Why family matters

03:09 Tony's journey, achievements, and lessons summarized.

06:37 Father's spending nearly bankrupts us, sparks change.

10:08 Grade 7 party, $20 payment, discovering radio.

14:35 Radio-inspired purpose: consumer insights, connecting, dreams.

16:48 Tony’s first agency - Communique

19:35 Help others is the best reward of all.

24:31 Letting people go is the worst failure of all.

28:36 More change and transformation

30:50 Innovative ideas presented, uncertainty about the future.

34:02 Mentor, moderate, lead, market, sell for attention.

36:57 Overcoming circumstances, changing lives, powerful lessons.

40:29 Tony talks about chasing a new Canadian Dream

42:20 Tony talks about Education

45:41 Mark shares his three takeaways


To chat with me, Tony Chapman, find me on Twitter I LinkedIn I Instagram I Youtube

To learn more about RBC and their programs visit


that matters

Chatter That Matters is more than a podcast theme, it’s Tony Chapman's mantra. Tony is a sought after curator, host, speaker, moderator and interviewer. Tony has inspired audiences in China, Brazil, Spain, Poland, Scotland, Mexico and across North America.

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  • Link to Tony's Twitter Profile

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