Phil Fontaine joins the Chatter That Matters Podcast to discuss self-determination and creating a First Nations Economy. He speaks about what needs to change to build a better future for Indigenous communities on Turtle Island.
I invite Phil Fontaine to join me on Chatter that Matters to honour National Indigenous Peoples Day. Phil is an advocate for human rights and a survivor of residential school abuse. To bring about positive change, Phil served three terms as the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, the first being when he was only 28. He was also among the first to openly talk about the abuses in residential schools and twice visited the Vatican seeking an apology.
Phil Fontaine’s contribution to our country deserves to be honoured, as are his beliefs that the founding peoples of Canada must include Indigenous Peoples. Phil also views self-determination as key and one that leads to a First Nation Economy where the best education is available and pursued, culture preserved, and wealth created.
Two of my previous guests, Sandi Boucher and Jennifer Menard-Shand, join the show to ask Phil Fontaine an important question; his answers alone are worth the listen.
I end the episode by inviting Dale Sturges, National Managing Director, Indigenous Financial Services Group at RBC, to share his perspective on Phil Fontaine, his pursuit of truth, and a life well-lived.
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