I've been jabbed and locked down and conditioned through seven trillion signs that danger lurks inside every commercial door.
Smiles and facial expressions have been hidden by masks, and the big social events like travel, weddings and graduations postponed or cancelled. My friend's kids were 'educated' based on a scrambling school system and work for most has been done remotely, in front of a screen, in loungewear, within seconds of our family, pets, refrigerator and toilet. And the topic of choice to read about, talk about, dream about, and care about of course is COVID with many, including myself, declaring themselves after two years to be a medical expert. We have expanded our welfare state and for millions, the price of the past two years has been a relentless attack on their mental health.
We also learned to value what we once took for granted. What will a return to normal be like? I am interested in your point of view.
What do you want to preserve of the past two years and what are you looking most forward to leaving behind? And what do you feel has changed forever?
I, like many on LinkedIn, are one of the fortunate who could keep working by adapting how I worked.
As we return to normality I look forward to again speaking in front of a live audience, versus a screen. The ability to travel effortlessly with my wife, seeing my two daughters who live abroad. I don't want to lose is the time I now have for conversation with the people who matter most to me, self-reflection and creating my weekly radio show and podcast. And stepping outside my front door at any time during the day, with our dogs in tow. So a very hybrid fusion of the old with the new.
In Terms of Our Environment:
I never want to smell sanitizers again or see another sign that talks to me in words and pictures like a four-year-old.
I don't want to read that shopping and eating on Mainstreet is dangerous. I want masks left for Halloween. I want to see kids back at school socializing and being educated. I want families back together again. I want to dance like everyone is watching. I want to fist pump when I sink a putt and handshake when I am with my fellow human beings. I want the marginalized to find purpose and pursuit based on their passions. I want Canada to be less divided and politicians to stop using COVID as a Trojan Horse to do so. I want to earn our way forward versus borrow our way on the back of future Canadians.
Capitalism with a small c and a big C for Conscious.
What about you?
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